とっとことっとこ Tottoko Tottoko

とっとこ とっとこ (Tottoko Tottoko) is another onomatopoeia based first book. Ten various animals come along, put on their shoes, and start walking along.

The とっとこ is the sound of their foot steps – and the rhythm and sound of different creatures is what gives this book its story line. The cat starts off ordinarily enough, but among the others, along comes a snake with only one shoe (とーとく), a robot (a very katakana トットコ), and an octopus with eight legs (8 x とっとこ). Wait until the elephant comes along at the end.

Simple but engaging for a first book.

Enjoyment rating (max = 5 koi-nobori): (Explanation)
My kids: 🎏🎏🎏🎏
Me: 🎏🎏🎏🎏

Author: まつい のりこ
Publisher: 童心社


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